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An introduction to private recording

Record interviews, segments, and full episodes privately so you can edit and upload them later

Amy Domestico avatar
Written by Amy Domestico
Updated over a week ago

Our private recording mode allows hosts to produce shows that include callers, scheduled guests, sound clips, and other creative elements without the pressure of publishing immediately after the show ends. Many hosts choose to record full “rough cut” episodes with our tool, download and edit their clips into a show offline, and then upload their finished episode for syndication.

To enable private recording, select the “private” option on the Create page in the visibility section. These shows receive a private episode page so you can share it with pre-arranged guests or loyal listeners you’d like to participate in your show. Private shows are not published on your profile. We do not syndicate them automatically like public shows. Also, private shows are kept out of search results in BlogTalkRadio and Google.

Many hosts use our private mode so they can do “drafts” of shows. They record a show with mistakes and retakes. Then, they edit this “draft” into a final product and re-upload the show for syndication.

If you interview guests privately, you can coach them, do retakes, and leave space for additional comments that you can pick and choose from for your final show. For example, if a guest wanders off-topic in a question response, you can stop them, tell them what you are looking for, and ask the same question again for a better response. This retake method mirrors the methods used by popular radio producers - including those at NPR.

Many podcasters use a production process that is similar to how a TV show or movie is produced. They have a plan for their episode but produce pieces of content in a non-linear manner. For example, they might record 2-3 interviews on a Saturday for a show that won’t air for weeks because that’s when guests are free. They might get in touch with guests and collect their interviews for future use. They might also record segments alone or with co-hosts out of order and then edit them together as they please. All of these workflows are possible in the BTR studio. 

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