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Help your guests connect

Things your guests should keep in mind

Mandilynn avatar
Written by Mandilynn
Updated over a week ago

Prepping your guests

Aside from the interview planning we described in our Episode Design Guide, you should give your guests a simple checklist to make sure they are ready for the show.

When you schedule a show, you have the option to send invites to your guests. These invite links will help them connect to your guest studio via Direct Connect.

For optimal sound quality, have your guests connect with Direct Connect via your email invite. The best case scenario is for them to use a laptop, headphones, and a microphone in a quiet room. If your guests cannot use this equipment, they can dial-in with your Guest/Listener number (accessible via the studio). They should try to use a use a landline because cell phones may experience connection issues depending on the strength of the network.

Guest checklist:

  • Have your equipment (laptop, microphone, and headphones) or landline phone ready (cell phone as a last resort)

  • Plan to record from a quiet, enclosed space (not a coffee shop!)

  • Tell your network about our upcoming show via Twitter, Facebook, your email list, or other channels

  • Get your guests to promote their appearance to their followers

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